Catherine Wheels Mince Pies

Vanessa Kimbell from Prepped came up with the best Xmas 2011 idea: a food bloggers get together to exchange gifts. The event will take place at Fortnum & Mason. I feel extremely lucky to be able to take part.
My offering will be Catherine wheels mince pies. I will be cooking them nearer the time.  

Till then, I am asking you to close your eyes and picture a cross between a mince pie, a continental pastry and a squashed Chelsea bun. There, you've got it.This recipe is very easy to make and when you think about all what we will have to do before Xmas, this is just perfect

Catherine Wheels Mince Pies
50g/2oz golden caster sugar
1 sheet ready-rolled puff pastry
411g jar traditional mincemeat
1tbsp milk
25g/1oz flaked almonds
Scatter the sugar over the worktop, unravel the pastry and roll it.
Spread the mincemeat evenly making sure to leave a border of 2cm all around
Fold one of the longest edges over the mincemeat and roll the pastry tightly into a sausage shape, when you get to the other edge brush it with milk and press down to seal
Press both ends in and chill for 30 minutes (if you fancy freezing this is the time to do so)
time to preheat the oven 200C/gas 6/fan 180C
Cut the roll into 12 rounds about 3 cm thick
Lay them evenly on a baking tray
Flatten them with your hand

Scatter the almonds on the top and bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown and the mincemeat sizzle
Leave to cool for 5 minutes
Serve as they are or with ice cream


Karen S Booth said...

Cannot wait to meet you there and your MINCE PIES too!

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Same here, what a great start to the festive season

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Hurrah! I will see you then xx

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Yee hee- Me and Catherine wheels which are just out of the oven, may not be prize winners in view of the competition but taste delicious

Laura@howtocookgoodfood said...

I think these little Catherine wheel mince pies are scrumptious! Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Thank you Laura, I am not a huge fan of mince-pies but I must say that these little wheels are very good.

fiona maclean said...

*grin* so I am the real prize winner cos I got your Mince Pies;)

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

oh sweet. Enjoy.



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