Toss It Like a Pizzariolo

Pumpkin Bread

Pay attention this is the scientific bit: the pumpkin puree replaces most of the liquid in this recipe. This results in a flavoursome, moist loaf
350g Pumpkin, peeled, seeds removed and chopped
25g butter
1 small onion finely chopped
15g Fresh yeast (or dried yeast according to the packet instruction)
1 tsp Unrefined brown sugar
450g wholemeal flour
1 tsp salt
Egg for glaze
Steam the pumpkin for 10-15 minutes until tender. Drain and reserve 50ml of the cooking liquid. Puree in a liquidizer.
Melt the butter and saute the onion until transparent.
Mix the yeast, reserved cooking liquid and sugar together and leave in a warm place for about 10 minutes until frothy.
Combine the flour and salt. Add the yeast liquid, pumpkin puree and onion and mix to a soft dough. Knead for 8-10 minutes, then transfer to a lightly floured surface. Cut off a small piece of dough (about 25g)
Shape the remaining dough into a neat round and place on an oiled baking tray. Shape the mall portion of dough into a 5 cm squashed ball and press on to the center of the round.
Cover with oiled polythene and leave in a warm place until double in size- about 45 minutes
With a sharp knife, make cuts in the dough all the way round to resemble a pumpkin.
Brush the dough with egg glaze and bake at 220C/gas mark 7 for 35-40 minutes. Cool on a wire tray.
Serve with a lovely Pumpkin soup and shrimps
Make one loaf- recipe from Cranks Breads & Teacakes
Soup of the Week: Cream of Pumpkin and Shrimps
this soup is from "French Provincial Cooking" by Elizabeth David, so easy to do:
Serves 6
- 900g of sliced pumpkin
- 1 stick of celery chopped (I omitted that : a matter of taste)
- 900ml milk, boile
- 570ml (1 pint) mild stock or water
- salt and pepper
- 100g peeled prawns or shrimps
- 1/2 tsp lemon juice
50g butter
Put the pumpkin and celery in a heavy-bottomed pan with the milk and stock, and season with salt and pepper. Leave to simmer for about 30 minutes until the pumpkin is tender. Puree and sieve into a clean pan.
Meanwhile pound the prawns or shrimps with the lemon juice. dilute with a little of the pumpkin puree, an add this back in the soup. Simmer gently for 10 minutes, sieve again, adjust the seasoning.
This soup will spoil if it is not eaten within 24 hours of making.
Pumpkin Recipe

Mushrooms Foray
a young fungus and then the same a few days older, would have been nice to have taken correct notes, I thought this was an artist fungus and checked for accuracy but it does not look like it is at all. A guess anyone?
Honey Mushroom, These lives in colony and can spread over 8 kilometers or thereabout making it the largest living organism in the world, can you imagine?
and for my favorite: Beefsteak mushroom
It remains to give you a recipe but today I will let you roam a site I came by some months back which I really need to share with you because it is a mine of cooking info: The Mushroom Bureau
Chicken, Mango and Helicopter

None is the answer,
except that somehow they all entered my life on the same day and what a day. He offered me an helicopter ride, Bestest present. Helicopters fly very low, it is a little scary to start with, but so much fun and from a view point, it is amazing, all the familiar landmarks as never seen before,

With all the excitement, planning what to cook had gone out of the window; so when my head landed which was long after my body had done so, I was contemplating some chicken and a mango.
I asked Google for help, and help I got. There are over 80 pages of recipes. I plonked for the very first Chicken/Mango recipe with great results. Unfortunately my brain was still floating in the sky and plates were in the dishwasher when I remembered you, lovely readers, but it was by then far too late for the traditional "photo-plate".
Soup of the week : Lamb and Fusilli soup

Soups and Breads by Jane Price contains a classic collection of recipes from around the globe. When I first saw this book, I turned green with envy; this is the book I'd promised myself to write . . . one day. This is a stylish, beautiful book, a perfect present.