What is the difference between Mixed Spice and All Spice?
Till a few weeks ago, I had NOOOO idea. I was happily cooking "my way", substituting a bit of this for a bit of that. No onion, use shallot or leek. No chicken use fish. Till that other recipe which called for All Spice, none of that on the rack, I dived for Mixed Spice... BIIIIG mistake.
So let me share my newly found knowledge with you, so that you don't end up in the pickle.
Mixed Spice is mostly for sweet dishes and pickles. It contains Cinnamon, Coriander Seed, Caraway, Nutmeg, Ginger, Cloves.
To be used in fruits crumbles, pies, cakes and biscuits
All spice is no mixture at all, it is a spice derived from the dried unripe fruit of the Pimenta dioica , a tree native to the West Indies, southern Mexico and Central America.
It is an important to Jamaican and Middle Eastern food especially Palestinian cuisine. It is used in curries and casseroles though it can be used in juices and fruit salads.
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