For a while, I thought I could get away with any odd kind of rice, It turned out that what I was cooking, though rater nice was not a risotto.
For a while, I thought I could get away with any odd kind of rice, It turned out that what I was cooking, though rater nice was not a risotto.
Turning to Cocktails: Mine Is a "Montreal" Please
1 1/2 ounces rye whisky
3/4 ounce sweet red vermouth
1/8 ounce Pernod
3 dashes Peychaud’s bitters
For garnishing
Long orange-zest twist
Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Measure in the rye, vermout, and Pernod. Add the bitters. Stir. Serve on the rocks in an old-sahsioned glass, or strain into a martini glass. Garnish with an orange twist.
Andouillette and the French Paradox
Shiitake & Polenta: a Step Toward Self-Sufficiency?
I Dived in my recipe book of the moment "lighten up" by Jill Dupleix and decided for "Soft Polenta with Mushrooms".
Nothing beats fresh food in my opinion but fresh from the garden when you live in a city is quiet magical.
Would I recommend the log? yes and no obviously it is a thrill but it is also a lot of kerfuffle, but if you would like to get your own here is the address Ann Miller's Speciality Mushrooms
Serves 4
- up to 750 grs of mushrooms dried and fresh or in this case 220g of freshly hand-picked gathering
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 finely chopped flat leaf parsley
- salt and pepper
- handful of rock leaves
For the polenta
follow the instructions on the packet use 150g of instant polenta
Heat the oil in a frying pan
Add garlic and mushrooms
Toss well
Add salt pepper and parsley
Simmer for 10 minutes
Cook the polenta according to the packet instructions.
Spoon the polenta onto warm plates, mushrooms on the top, rocket to decorate
One for the Week-End: Say Cheese
the French paradox
A new cocktail book
and risotto recipes
Kellogg's Baked Muesli: Nature's Pleasure
almond, pecan & cashew
And I received one box of each so that I can let you know what I think
I knew the lecture, I went to during the winter: " understanding food label" was going to come good one day, so before I opened one of the recyclable looking cardboard box, I was going to apply a maths formula to the label. I'll spare you the details, the answer is that this muesli has the perfect balance between ingredients 62% carbohydrate, 29% fat and certainly more fibre than recommended and low in salt.
So this new breakfast's cereal is healthy. but what about the taste? Personnally I like crispy cereals.Apple and black currant has large "bits" of freezed dried apples which keeps them firm and crunchy.
Overall good for you, personally I find it a bit sugary but so do I for most things. It is not a wow but very much at the top of the pile of muesli. Since it is soon exam time and muesli is slow sugar, it might be the perfect time to try it out on your family.
I will be back and let you know about other flavours. Priced at £2.49 for 500g.