Is Purple the New Green?

One would think that the colour purple at the dinner table is rather unconventional. Let's see: grapes, blueberries, blackberries, plums and aubergines are possibly the only fruits and vegs, I could have named before this summer when out of the blue, the food he and I were consuming had a sudden mystic and royal air, qualities attached to the colour purple.

In the space of no time, I came across two new (to me) purple vegetables. I harvested purple potatoes from the planter in the garden and bought a purple cauliflower at the local farmers' market. So would purple be the new green on the menu?

Now pay attention, this is the scientific bit: what does make food, purple?
answer: flavonoids. They are natural chemicals which make blood vessels healthier, help with memory loss and might be useful in the first stages of cancer. So all together rather friendly thingies.
But is purple food popular? Certainly not with kids, judging by the reaction of the 7 years old who lives next door. She looked disapprovingly at my purple cauliflower and refused point blank to taste it. In France and in Thailand, that hue is associated with death sooo, may be not exactly what you would like to see in your plate.

Taste verdict: the Arran Victory potatoes once cooked turned normal potato colour and were not very different from any other potatoes. The cauliflower's flavour was much more delicate than its creamy-white counterpart.
Next year, I will not be considering planting purple carrots.
Now for the purple song .

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