I am Growing my Own

I know some people do it without shouting about it on roof tops. In fact, as you will see below, 29% of households in the UK have a vegetable garden. Considering the size of the back garden, it would be very difficult to grow more than one potato plant and with a waiting list of 120 years to get an allotment in  Greenwich, I am not counting my carrots, just yet.

However, just the other day, he came up with a fabulous link. The plan is to use a small and currently derelict part of St Alfege Park for a community vegetable garden. I applied, lo and behold, I got a call. I was as excited as a baby flea. If I were to volunteer,  help to clear the site, build raised beds and a greenhouse, I would be given a little plot where to grow my own.
So on Saturday morning, with visions of punnets full of black tomatoes, I went to St Alfrege park. The Park is an ex-cemetery, ancient tomb stones act as wall paper around the edge. The stones were removed in the early 1900 when London grew bigger and new cemeteries were being built at the edge of town.
As the grand-daughter of a grave digger, I was immediately put in charge of what was under....... I would not be surprised if the first time I dug, I hit a skull or two. So stay tune to see how I am getting on with my bones and beets. In the meantime if you fancy looking at some really interesting stats and advice, click on this very well conceive site created by Grow your own infographic from LoveTheGarden.com

Grow your own

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