Lemon Chicken

Having earmarked Family Friendly Fridays as The round up for March. The next step was only a matter of finding a recipe which would encompass the title.

If the thought of family food brings a lot people back to a comfort zone where their mother was baking and cooking diner, this is just not my case. I close my eyes and zilch, nothing nada, rien de rien, I have no memory of my mum's cooking. Possibly because she never baked me a cake or zoomed to the market to buy lots of vegetables which she would subsequently turn into marvellous creations. It was not Dickensian, I ate convenience food of the times: burgers, brains, Smash and fish on Fridays besides this, I have no family food memory bank. 

However, I have this make-believe family food lala land which I associate with my grand-father's kitchen, Tagines, Chakchouka, Couscous and Pickled Lemons. Possibly never happened that way either but, as a child that is the closest I got to a working kitchen.

So for this family friendly dish, I gathered bits of recipes, picked a seasonal vegetable, hey, this is going to be featured on Ren Behan's site, a blogger known for her love of "in-season food" and made a simple, quick and easy dish with the flavours of North Africa.

        Time to Try: Shallots, a member of the onion family with a subtle flavour not as strong as its onion cousin, great in salad, they bake well, use large shallots for ease of peeling.

Lemon Chicken


2 lemon
3 tbsp soya sauce
6 chicken drums
1 tbsp honey and 3 tbsp of water
salt & pepper
6 large shallots


Mix soya, the juice of 1 lemon and honey + water in a bowl
Place the chicken drums in a baking tray and pour the mixture over
Marinate for 2 hours minumum

When you are ready, Peel and halve the shallots
Place them in the tray
preheat oven to 180C
turn the drums over, season
Cook for 45 minutes making sure that it doesn't dry out.


Shu Han said...

love how simple but delicious this recipe is! I came over from ren's, was reading the round up and couldn't resist clicking (:

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Thank you kindly - You are entirely right simple and delicious, I could not believe it myself



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