Chicken and Chorizo with Tomato Pepper Sauce

Smoky chorizo, delicate texture of chicken breast a versatile recipe which can be use as a base for mince meatballs, to fill pasta or to make burgers.

Dishes fall out of fashion and come back in, at regular intervals, riding the big wheel of fancy. If we wait long enough, we might see a version of the 70's prawn cocktail back on our tables. Though, I hope that by the time, that one makes another apparition, it will have been vastly improved by some clever Food-Blogger.
However there are recipes which we love and are a constant. Pan-fried chicken in Tomato Sauce is one of them: rustic, inspired by Italian casseroles, pleasing and filling.
This recipe uses roasted peppers
           Tip: Roast 4 or 5 peppers at the time and keep the left overs in a jar filled with olive oil in the fridge, you can tip it up regularly.
Roasted Peppers: place peppers under a hot grill and grill for 12-15 minutes, turning half-way. When they have blackened, put in a plastic bag until cool or run under cold tap. They will peel easily.
Chicken and Chorizo  with Tomato Pepper Sauce

chicken breast (one per person)
60g cooking chorizo
2 shallots
2 garlic clove
1tsp smoke paprika (optional)
2-3 peppers
can plum tomatoes
a little sugar, salt and pepper
Flatten chicken breast with a kitchen-roll
Cook the chorizo in a dry frying pan until crisps, remove the chorizo, keep the oil and fry the chicken breast for 5 minutes.
Grill the peppers
While this is cooking nicely turn your attention to the sauce. In a little olive oil, sweat the shallots slowly, add the garlic, a little sugar, salt, pepper and the paprika if used and the grilled peppers when these are ready. Leave it to simmer for 30 minutes.
Return the chicken, the chorizo and its oil to the tomato sauce pan and cook for a further 10 minutes. serve with chunky bread.

Chicken and Chorizo  with Tomato Pepper Sauce is the kind of recipe which is easy to pass on. I use to cook something very similar when I was a teenager. For this reason, I add it to #InheritanceRecipes challenge which I co-host with Coffee and Vanilla


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