Friday's pictures at Fortnum & Mason

Christmas 2011 started on Friday at Fortnum & Mason when the decorations looked like so:

and the nibbles like that:

Lets Make Christmas was a great idea which turned out to be an enchanting event,

where Dan Lepard, the baking guy at The Guardian, cast an expert eye on 50 food-bloggers' handmade Christmas gifts, such as these

Before announcing the winner in each category:
In Pickles and preserves, Botanical Baker for her Blackberry Curd
In Alcohols / Drinks, Jaynerly for her Damson Slivovitz
In Sweets, Orange and Thyme for her Cranberry and Port Mincemeat Pops , below

The best baked goods went to Claire's handmade cakes for her amaretti biscuits....but indeed everybody was a winner as we  each got to take away a gift. What a brilliant idea Vanessa Kimbell had and what work that little dynamo must have put in....thank you, Vanessa, you are a legend.


Laura@howtocookgoodfood said...

What a beautiful photographic recede of the event. You have really captured the day so well:-) xx
I really loved the look of your Catherine wheel mince pies too !

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

What a nice comment, thanks. It put me in a good mood for the rest of the day

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

It was a super day wasn't it and I was delighted to see you too! I will bring you your chilli vodka when I see you again in two weeks! xx

Karen S Booth said...

It was a BRILLIANT day and it was great to meet you.....LOVELY photos and write up!

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Hi Sarah, Looking forward to seeing you and consequently the chilli Vodka. what did you get?

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

oh wow, wow wow was so fun to at least meet people in real life. You are too kind about the write up, it is only a few sentences.

Kate@whatkatebaked said...

What a lovely selection of photos from a super, festive afternoon!



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