Tarte à la moutarde & Tour de France

This was one of my first posts Tarte a la Moutarde and for long it was also my my signature dish. For theses reasons, I want to share it with #InheritanceRecipes and pass it down to the food-bloggers family. This month the challenge is hosted by Margot at Coffee 'n Vanilla

Original post:
I'd never been a VIP before.
Serge said: "pick your badges up and do NOT forget to return them". OK, so off we trotted and, ended up in the people's village in Hyde park, NO VIP here, free beer, though. So off we trotted back and by the time we located the "non-people's village", which was full of people, the prologue was in its epilogue. Story of my life. It all goes too fast include the "tour de France" 

even he whose pictures are usually very good, did not quite managed, to catch the cyclist in the frame. Got better luck on the next day.

Friends + France = Tarte à la moutarde

It is really simple to make and so delicious that in time, you will have to make 2 at once, as one is never ever enough

should make 6 people

300g shortcut pastry (ready to roll)
3 to 4 tbsp Dijon mustard
200g grated cheddard (or gruyère)
3 medium tomatoes, sliced

  • pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
  • roll out the pastry, butter a 25 cm round tin
  • spread the mustard on the base, there should be enough to cover generously the base however too much will be overpowering, pepper that's right no salt
  • cover with cheddar (and a little more cheddar if you wish)
  • place the tomatoes slices on the cheddar
  • cook for 40 minutes in the middle of the oven


Anonymous said...

This tart sounds wonderful! I love simple dishes that are full of flavor and can't wait to try this!

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Nicole: Hope you enjoy, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful stuff! Hoping to recreate the lemon tart this weekend. Yum! I'll be back :->

Solange Berchemin of Pebble Soup said...

Thank you Jane. I always curious to hear how the recipes turn out when made in somebody else's kitchen, so let me know. When you'll return, there is a post which I wrote for "Just baking.net"......no price for guessing who "he" is.



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