2010 is on its way out and as far as I am concerned it is good riddance. I do not want to see another like it. I had almost forgotten what it was like to do battle with ill, loss and demons with my guard down.
I am, certainly, not grateful for the reminder. Falling hurts bad. But at least I have been reminded that every moment is precious and if treated well, there is fun in each and every of these moment.
So good-bye 2010 bring the next one on, I am focused and this time, I am not loosing sight of what is important, frivolities included.
2010 was also a year when I got much more involved in the world of food, I hope you have enjoyed reading my posts as much I have enjoyed researching and writing them.
There has been many recipes which stood out and delighted my taste buds but the one which got my vote is "Slow Cook Lamb". I first saw it on Greedy Gourmet. Michelle describes it as a memorable meal, spot on. The first thing, my friend Anne said, after Wow was : "this is a memorable dish." Don't be put off by the cooking time, there is nothing for the cook to do whilst the lamb seats in the oven, here is the link to the recipe.
Only one thing left to do and that is to wish you and you and you, a great 2011.
Sounds like my kind of recipe - although I am very very bad at whistling.
2010 seems to have been a tough year for lot of people, let's hope 2011 is better for everyone.
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