Breast Cancer Awarness Month & Pink Champagne Cupcake Recipe

This post is a sponsored post. The fee for this post will go direct the cancer fund.

50,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK, but we seldom think about it happening to ourselves or one we love. 
Three years ago, almost month per month the phone rang. “Don't worry” my mum said “it's nothing, just a small tumour”. 

She was very brave, had the operation but the news was not good. At that stage, I would have sacrificed anything “to make her better”, and I possibly did. For 10 months, I ignored my home-life, work became the least of my priority, social life got forgotten. 

We talked her first chemotherapy through, then there was the relentless pace of the treatment, loosing her hair was the worse part, I held her hand when she was sick and cry the tears she wouldn't cry. 

It was not a small tumour. She had ignored the first signs and it had been missed once at a routine mammography. Ten years ago, this type of cancer would have killed my mother. Today she live with “Juste un mauvais souvenir”. 

The advances in science and technology saved her life. The hospital staff played a huge part in her recovery and because of that, since then, every year, I “do” my bit to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

The fee for this post will go direct the cancer fund. Money raised goes to vital services such as charity's helpline, hospital and group support. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, people are encouraged to take part in fund raising campaign such as Pink Fridays, it's easy to do and can include anything from wearing pink to baking pink
Breast Cancer Care website  lists more ideas or call 0870 164 9422.

 To celebrate all the success stories, I'll leave you with a few tips on how to make cupcakes and a  Pink Champagne Cupcake recipe

120 grams Plain White Flour 
140 grams Golden Caster Sugar
40 grams Butter Unsalted, softened
Salt pinch
80 ml Whole milk
1.50 tsp Baking Powder
40 ml Champagne
1 Free Range Egg 
50 ml Champagne
500 grams Icing Sugar 
160 grams Butter Unsalted, softened
Pink Food Colour

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C, Gas 5, and line a 12 bun muffin tin with muffin cases.
  2. Using a hand held electric whisk or freestanding mixer mix the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder and salt on a low speed until it is the texture of breadcrumbs
  3. Put the eggs in a jug and whisk by hand. Add the milk and champagne and mix together
  4. Pour ¾ of the milk mixture into the dry ingredients & mix on low speed, then mix on a medium speed until smooth & thick 
  5. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until ½ full
  6. Bake in the oven for 18-20 minutes or until risen and springy to the touch.
  7. Leave to cool slightly and then place on a wire rack
  8. To make the frosting use a hand held whisk or freestanding mixer whisk the icing sugar with the butter until mixed, then pour in the champagne, mixing slowly, then increase the speed to high and whisk until soft and fluffy. Add a few drops of pink colour creator to achieve a pale pink frosting.
  9. Top the cooled cupcakes with frosting with a palette knife.


santa said...

Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are undertaken by health care providers. Applications with regard to animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. Thanks.

jaffa said...

Leave your soup bowl on the plate. The plate serves as a place to put your spoon when you're not using it and catches any soup that might slosh over the rim of the bowl. Thanks.

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